- He burns with an ambition. 他野心勃勃。
- He burns with an ambition(live, jealousy) 他充满野心(恋情,嫉妒)。
- Cover the burn with an antiseptic dressing. 在烧伤处包上无菌敷料。
- He burned with zeal for the cause of revolution and anger against its enemies. 他对革命事业充满热情,对敌人则充满义愤。
- Belong to you , the good child with an ambition outstandingly . 优秀属于你,有志气的好孩子。
- He burned with shame as he stared at the vision of his infamy. 他眼睁睁地望着这幕自己出丑的场景,羞愧得脸上热辣辣的。
- burn with an ambition 野心勃勃
- He burned with such rage inside that it seemed enough to set the end of his cigarette aglow. 鸿渐气得心头火直冒,仿佛会把嘴里的香烟衔着的一头都烧红了。
- He fell on the floor with an awful whomp. 他摔在地板上发出一声可怕的撞击声。
- There was often some crawling sneak with an ambition to become a coddy who would not scruple to curry favour with Misery by reporting the crime. 有些野心勃勃想争副工头位置的卑鄙小人,为了巴结瘟神会昧着良心告密。
- He come into the room with an air of importance. 他带著一副了不起的神情走进室内。
- He struck off the rotten branches with an axe. 他用斧头砍掉了朽烂的树枝。
- Extremely flammable gas. Hydrogen is very light and may collect in the upper portions of storage areas. Hydrogen burns with an almost invisible flame. 极易燃气体。氢质量十分小,因此可能在储存区的上部空间富集。氢燃烧的火焰几乎不可见。
- He fell in love with an actress. 他爱上了一位女演员。
- He shall break also the images of Bethshemesh, that is in the land of Egypt; and the houses of the gods of the Egyptians shall he burn with fire. 他必打碎埃及地伯示麦的柱像,用火焚烧神的庙宇。
- He is a man with an artistic temperament. 他是个有艺术家气质的男子。
- He asked me with an incredulous look. 他用怀疑的神情问我。
- When Saul heard their words, the Spirit of God came upon him in power, and he burned with anger. 扫罗听见这话,就被上帝的灵大大感动,甚是发怒。
- He burned his tongue with red pepper. 他的舌头被红辣椒辣得好难受。
- He looked at me with an incredulous expression. 他怀疑地看着我。